Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blog Maverick on Education

I have a couple close relatives, one in particular, who disdains college with much cynicism. The anti-education rhetoric is occasionally so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Why go to college? Mark Cuban recently posted a great blog, extolling the virtues of college and education in general. Here's a paragraph that hits the mark:

Going to college should be about experiencing as much academically as you possibly can, but more importantly, it should be about learning how to learn and recognizing that learning is a lifelong endeavor. School isn't the end of the learning process, its purely a training ground and beginning.
Immediately following this paragraph was another gem, which gives me some defense for my recent entrepreneurial ways (and current unemployed situation):
IMHO, once you have learned how to learn, then you can try as many different things as you can, recognizing that you don't have to find your destiny at any given age, you just have to be prepared to run with it when you experience it.
Props to Mr. Cuban. I've been reading his blog for a while now, and I dig his posts about being an entrepreneur and what he's learned on the way. On the sports marketing side, being in roughly the same "space" makes it relevant. As owner of HDNet, I tune into his opinions on all things video and marketing. And as an NBA fan, the owner insight into running one of the most exciting teams in the NBA is just icing on the cake.

Blog Maverick

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