Monday, March 24, 2008

Come on Down to South Park

On the surface, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with the snowsports industry. But dig deeper and it's an example of the "give it away now" ideology, popular 50/50 revenue share model, and vertical site. It's this last part I'd like to comment on.

For a while, it seemed like all the rage was distributing your content via a consolidated site and hoping for a share of any revenues. But Trey Parker has taken the moral high road. Rather than let their content become aggregated (or flat out stolen and made available) elsewhere, South Park uses readily available technology to allow embedded video. This encourages use elsewhere AND drives traffic back to their own site, the only place you can watch the full clips.

If you are the sensitive type, cover your eyes and plug your ears, it is South Park after all!

Edit: The "WATCH THIS FULL EPISODE" link after the clip doesn't seem to work on the embedded player, but it does on the site itself. That's one thing they will want to fix.

Via NewTeeVee.

The web just got a whole lot funnier as the guys behind South Park have made every episode of their hit show available for free online. That’s right — every. episode. (Take that Hulu, and your five weeks’ worth of shows window). South Park Digital Studios will house everything South Park including all the episodes (not embeddable — boo!), 3,000 video clips (embeddable — yay!) and spearhead other digital initiatives.

The studio is part of a joint venture between creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker and Comedy Central, with the two splitting ad revenue 50/50. The site continues with MTV Networks’ strategy of launching many vertical sites around individual brands. (Disclosure: I used to work for Viacom).

In addition to housing South Park content, the Digital Studios will also serve as a launchpad for other animated projects Stone and Parker come up with.

See our previous South Park-goes-online coverage here and here.

Additional insight from Techcrunch

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In all seriousness, I love this show. This is the funniest adult cartoon there is, and thank GOODNESS Comedy Central took this series and allowed the creators to do "almost" anything. If there was an alternate universe for "Peanuts", you've hit it in "South Park".download south park episodes